In the year of 2003, approximately 100 members of a transitional church in Worth County, Georgia heard the voice of the Lord say unto them, “Get thee out of thy country, and from their kindred, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.” So without any preparations or provisions they departed and walked in obedience to follow the vision of their leader and the voice of the Lord.


The journey to their promised land began on January 19, 2003 at the Thronateeska Heritage Building. During the first service, it was announced by the man of God that as a reflection of their future testimony, “Berachah” would be the name of the new church.


  • On February 23, 2003, Pastor Smith proclaimed a fast among the entire congregation and sent the same message as Nehemiah did back to their enemies, “We are doing a great work and will not cease or come down.”

  • On March 27, 2004, ground breaking services were held on the site of the future church home at 1719 Cordele Road, Albany, Georgia, with many believers, partners, and supporters in attendance.

  • On October 2, 2005, the church building dedication service was held as an expression of gratitude for the blessings that God bestowed upon the people who were strong, courageous, and mighty in the Lord.